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Christi Lopez

Superstar Consultant


My Story

My Story begins over 10 years ago. I was living with my bestfriend who had just started selling Scentsy. My sister came to visit me in November 2009 and while my nephew was playing he dipped his little hand in the wax. We panicked but he made no noise and kept playing. We looked at each other and decided we should do some research on this amazing company. Fast forward 10 fast years later and I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for this company. It not only fills my home with warmers and wax but many memories and friendships have been made because of Scentsy. We clean our kitchen, we do our laundry and our little guys even have their buddys to take everywhere they go. We Love Scentsy in our home! It is because of Scentsy that I get to stay home and be available to our kiddos at any moment. I look forward to a trip to a new place every July (which is also my birthday month :) ) and I have even earned a Cruise that we took in January 2016!!! I'm working towards the next Incentive Trip and always looking for my team to grow and inspire others! We have extra cash in case we need it for bills or to splurge. I Love what Scentsy stands for, Generosity, Authenticity & Simplicity! Thank You Scentsy for being an Amazing company that has given me so many opportunities! This is The Scent Life!


What's warming in my home